In Development for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive and incurable condition caused by the death of dopamine-generating cells in the brain, leading to disability and lower quality of life. Current treatments for Parkinson’s improve the symptoms of patients, but, at this time, none have been proven to slow or prevent the progression of the disease or reverse its effects. The goal of existing therapies is essentially to reduce symptoms, balanced against the side effects of treatment as the disease progresses, rather than slowing down or reversing the course of the disease.
MIN-301 is a recombinant form of the neuregulin-1β1 protein and is currently in preclinical development for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. We believe MIN-301 has the potential to slow the onset of, and restore the brain tissue damage caused by, the disease. Research involving multiple preclinical models mimicking Parkinson’s disease symptoms has been carried out with MIN-301. The results obtained thus far show that the protein has the potential to restore motor function distorted in Parkinson’s patients, with a positive effect on cognition. We own the rights globally to the MIN-301 protein.

Learn more about Parkinson’s disease.